A Complete Guide On Initial DeX Offerings (IDOs)

A Complete Guide On Initial DeX Offerings (IDOs)

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Initial DeX Offerings (IDOs)

The first initial dex offering (IDO) is one of the novel fundraising strategies that have emerged as a result of the overall development of the cryptocurrency sector. The initial coin offering (ICO) was the first method of obtaining capital in the cryptocurrency industry, but it caused a lot of controversy in 2017. It also made a lot of people rich very quickly, especially the early investors. A large number of initial coin offering projects made grand claims about potential profits. A lot of ICO schemes were either full-blown scams or just ploys to steal money.

To combat this, proponents of decentralized finance (Defi) are proposing new ways of obtaining capital. The dex model is one example of such a model. Crypto investors now have access to a new crowdfunding model through DEXs, which is more egalitarian. However, a quick overview of Defi and DEXs is provided here before we get into what is initial dex offering, what you need it for, what the benefits of and how can you launch one.  

Concept of Initial Dex Offering

Tokens representing any kind of asset housed on a distributed exchange (DEX) are known as initial dex offers or IDOs, a project launches a token via a decentralized liquidity exchange. From a music record to a Bitcoin, IDOs can be made for anything including aether-driven battleships. IDOs provide companies with a means to involve communities near them in an economy that enhances their goods and services as well as lets them make wise asset-related business decisions. Projects releasing initial DEX offerings get funding from individual investors, in the same manner that traditional firms get venture capital before launching. Shareholders in initial dex offerings do not acquire any ownership in the project unlike those in an initial public offer. 

An initial dex offering or IDO is the debut of a cryptocurrency on a distributed exchange (DEX). The newest paradigm for crypto initiatives seeking investor funding is IDOs. Still, they have some constraints, for example, DEXs lack scalability. ICOs and IEOs are not rare in their ability to generate more than $1 billion, this is unprecedented for DEXs. Defi platforms have a lengthy learning process, hence ignorance of how crypto works could prevent the typical crypto trader from entering the market. Effectively countering this difficulty would require sponsoring Defi’s education. 

Why Initial Dex Offering?

In 2017, Initial Coin Offerings and token sales gained popularity, and by the end of the year, they had raised an estimated $4.9 billion, at the same time, other companies were aiming to solve problems by utilizing blockchain technology. It is difficult to deny the fact that ICOs have several drawbacks, including the fact that they are centralized and susceptible to risk. However, a significant number of ICOs have been successful. Additional major drawbacks of ICOs include the potential for discrimination by third parties’ liability for larceny and human mistakes and an overall lack of privacy. 

The newly developed fundraising model seeks to alleviate the problems that are associated with initial coin offerings (ICOs) while simultaneously introducing new opportunities to the cryptocurrency industry. IDOs are decentralized, through crowdfunding with independent development organizations (IDOs), business owners can launch a blockchain idea that is immune to the influence of influence of hostile third parties and eliminates any problems that may arise from human mistakes or hackers. In addition to this, the currencies are owned by token purchasers and holders are immediately protected on their wallets with their private keys. 

Is IDO a Better Approach to Crypto Fundraising?

There have been several crypto fundraising methods before IDO, such as Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), Security Token Offerings (STOs), and Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs) but IDOs represent the next logical step. For new enterprises and startups looking to create a token and gain access to capital quickly, IDOs are a great option because of their mechanics, which provide superior and instant liquidity at any price level. Bypassing pre-mines an issuance scheme that benefits project founders at the expense of community members is what makes IDOs a more equitable alternative to the previously described financing techniques for new cryptocurrency projects. 

In July 2013, the master coin did its first initial coin offering (ICO). In 2014 Ethereum was able to raise $ 2.3 million or 3700 BTC in the first 12 hours of its token sale. On April 17, 2019, the Idax, BitForex, Bit-Z, and Bit-M exchanges launched the first IEO. Alternatively, Raven Protocol revealed in June 2019 that it will launch its first-ever IDO and list it on Binance DEX. 

IDO Launched Projects and Use Cases

Despite first and even claims on their blog that they were unaware of what an IDO was since no one had done it before, Raven Protocol can be considered a successful venture despite being the first. 

IDO Raven Protocol

It is a distributed deep-learning training technique that uses deep neural networks that spread quite far wide. Currently managed by large firms, the Raven Protocol intends to provide quick and relatively inexpensive solutions using the blockchain to transform AI and machine learning industries. They contribute their computers with the help of the native RAVEN token, which gives them prizes; the utility token used for training AIs.

Universal Market Access Protocol Initial Distributions Offering

Another successful IDO project launch is the Universal Market Access (UMA) protocol even though its IDO had issues. This allows DeFi developers to mint synthetic Ethereum assets— tokens whose value fluctuates and is backed by collateral. From $0.26 each, it began its token sale in April at the distributed exchange marketplace – Uniswap. It cost UMA $535,000 in Ethereum to create a new liquidity pool to achieve that pricing.

Notably, however, the UMA token price quickly started rising because people waited to buy the token. After all, token pricing in Uniswap works with the help of the bonding curve instead of orders, unlike other platforms that Shiller compared the system to. Traders hence aimed at paying for more gas to transact faster which, at last, caused the UMA token price to increase to more than $2, more than a minute after launch. It eventually landed at slightly over $1 and several buyers reported they bought at a higher price than pre-sale investors. This, however, brings focus to Uniswap rather than the UMA problem.

Currently, one token of UMA is worth more than $25 with an overall market value standing at over $1.5 billion, this is after this early setback.

Swap IDO for Sushi

Another such example is SushiSwap, an Ethereum-based decentralized crypto exchange aspiring to dethrone Uniswap and become the core frequently utilized decentralized exchange developed on Ethereum. SushiSwap consumers, it seems, transferred close to a billion and one hundred forty million worth of locked-up Uniswap tokens to SushiSwap in September last year.

Interestingly, instead of performing an ICO, as is commonplace, SushiSwap staked LP tokens on Uniswap while benefiting the providers of liquidity. They were rewarded SUSHI tokens for this. For customers looking for Uniswap LP tokens to SushiSwap’s original framework, 1000 SUSHI were minted for each Ethereum block, roughly every 12 seconds in SushiSwap’s first two weeks.

How To Launch an IDO?

In this part, efforts are made to explain how users can launch their IDOs within a chronological and sequential approach. For users to create a good cryptocurrency needed to launch an IDO, they need to have some insight into the creation of a cryptocurrency.

Step 1: Formulate a Business Strategy

The potential for launching a token offering that will be available on a DEX should be well-coordinated and logical, hence the need to create a proper strategy that should govern its implementation. It has to include the problem that the project aims to solve, the funds to be used, the blockchain on which the project is going to be carried out, a broad marketing plan, and how to lead the project after the IDO session.  

Step 2: Develop Marketing Materials

In the case of an IDO launch, the marketing material is formally a website and a white paper, at minimum often. An attractive branded website can go a long way to improving investor confidence.

The whole-souled participation of the emotional factors is achievable in an excellent website for those investors, who are being logically drawn to the project. The website may help the project look much more professional. Many projects may feel the pressure to create a brand image especially if they cannot afford to have a website.  White papers differ from all other forms of marketing as they increase the value of an investment by giving detailed information and factual material. This action goes to make the investor proceed further down along the known pipeline. 

Step 3: Visit a DEX Launchpad

If the project fulfills the conditions of the platform, which are most of the time consensus and whitelisting, an IDO will be launched.

Step 4: Make The Bitcoin

Customers ask, “Is it possible for consumers to start their cryptocurrency?” The response is this: Potentially, anybody who has some knowledge of the basics of technical space and good marketing intuition could learn how to launch a crypto coin.  You may start a cryptocurrency, and that has become extremely easy. Software we have online like CoinTool will enable the user to allow the program to do all the hard work. 

After the IDO and TGE, the DEX lists the tokens required for trading. Sushiwrap and Pancakw Swap are on that list. 

Step 5: Launching the Token

A basic guide to launching a crypto token is below. The project team creates a token pool, and investors pre-purchased tokens in a token pool. Investors will receive tokens following the TGE, right after the idea. By holding an auction, the work can determine a price based on supply and demand.

Some projects may reward investors for liquidity. This can help the project gain and maintain the monument, Yama. However, offering liquidity lets users earn more tokens.

Challenges and Risks Associated With Conducting IDO

Even though initial DEX offerings have benefits, projects and buyers need to be aware of the problems and risks that come with them. Here are some risks and challenges that you should be aware of :

Possibility of Scams 

As IDOs are autonomous, bad people may want to use them. Scams like rugs where fake projects take money and then disappear are a big problem. The lack of strict rules has made it easier for dishonored businesses to take advantage of clients who don’t know what’s going on. Doing thorough due research is important to lower the risk.

Uncertainty in the Rules

The rules for cryptocurrencies that include ideas are still not stable. Different places have different rules, and sudden changes to those rules can affect whether the ideas are allowed and how they work. Stay out of trouble with the law, projects and funders need to know about changes in regulations.

Conduct Required for Investors

Before investing in an idea, investors must do a lot of research. This means looking closely at the project’s white paper to economics, team, and participation from the community ideas are decentralised, which means that there is no other central authority that checks out projects. Instead, it is up to the individual investors to do their study.

Technical risks

Smart contracts can be very dangerous if they are not secure. If there are bugs or security holes in the smart contracts, money could be lost or the token sale could be hacked. To make sure there is smart contracts are safe and work projects must try and audit them thoroughly.

What Makes IDO Different Than ICO?

Readers should understand what an idea is, and how is it better than an ICO now this section compares ICOs with IDOs. 

  • Unlike initial public offerings and IEO ideas, ICOs do not require token issues to pay intermediaries. For IDORICO funding, projects are solely responsible for marketing. You are supposed to hire more experienced developers to design the token-selling smart contracts may need to audit and verify everything on the books. This prevents any regulatory or legal surprises for project owners. 
  • Coin offerings are a very centralized rug, pulling where the crew lies with investors’ funds is another risk and the investor would lack protection. Many ICO coins are produced on the company’s website. Following the sales. This method is expensive. The issue requires that the token should be on one or major centralized exchange lists.
  • Whereas IDOs avoid premises, unlike ICOs, this can improve investor trust, especially for fundamental analysis-based project elections. Investors should not worry about the long-term tokens admission rate. IDOs also provide token access more fairly to investors specifically, IDO tokens trade instantly. ICO sometimes has lock-up periods whereas IDO does not
  • IDOs offer instant liquidity, and trade, unlike ICOs. I provide the benefit of listing the token right on time on the DEX where the IDO occurred. The investors and the insiders frequently get better terms than retail investors in ICO. IDOS cannot show favorability since smart contracts cannot do so.

Benefits Offered by Initial Dex Offering

  • Decentralized Funding

Unlike IEOs and ICOs decentralized fundraising, IDOS replaces the necessity for projects to pay costly exchange fees or wait for clearance from a centralised Authority. This distributed method makes it more easily available for projects since it allows speed and permissionless funding.

  • Vetting Programmes by Communities

IDOS the strength of outspoken community members for screening instead of depending on the approved list of project exchanges. This guarantees a more inclusive environment by opening chances for projects that are smaller and encouraging big-scale cooperation.

  • Immediate Trading and Liquidity 

Unlike the initial waiting times, mandated by ISNICS, instant liquidity and trade IDS offer, instant instantaneous access to trade and liquidity upon token Lounge. This quick availability draws early consumers and increases the value of the projects.

  • Simplified User Experience

By providing safe wallets and integrated trading systems, all in one interface I streamline the user experience. Support of several wallets, and kinds, further improves participants, accessibility, and simplicity of usage.

Future Trends of IDO

Though just with ICOs, IEOs, and STOs adjustments are still needed, even if IDS is the newest approach for crypto businesses to release tokens to the public. UMA’s IDO bears evidence of this. With IDS, however, a distributed exchange leaves a lack of control over mechanisms. Regarding fundraising, one should have control to eliminate token prize adjustments or apply KYC rules that can be seen in ICOs, IEOs, and STOs. 

Scalability is another development that has to be given attention, decentralised finance (Defi) initiatives have raised money with IDOs For now. This is not to imply other crypto projects cannot employ this type of crowdfunding. Of course, some enthusiasm from current Defi, customers will be needed for these initiatives to flourish and token investment.

Another consideration is the centralized exchange, such as Coinbase and finance that still control the market, even if demand for IDOs is growing. Investors are not wondering when the next IDO is scheduled. They currently want to know when Coinbase plans to list a particular coin. Of course, this will not certainly alter as knowledge of distributed exchanges and Defi generally increases.

Though more awareness is required, ideas may have a bright future, but not only that currently a rather Nishay industry, Defi customers account. Just a small portion of the whole crypto market, however, the numbers are rapidly increasing. Based on the Coinmarketcap ICO calendar, the last few months of project fundraising are mainly IDOs as of August 2021

The Final Word

IDOs have grown to be a prominent fundraising channel in the Bitcoin space, providing projects with a decentralized, effective, and easily accessible way to raise money. Initial deck offerings are an appealing option when it comes to investing and projecting due to their advantages, which include instant, liquidity, lower cost, and improved security, even though they come with some dangers and difficulties, initial deck offerings are often anticipated to be vital in determining the direction of Blockchain technology and enterprise finance as the crypto ecosystem develops further. 


1. What are the differences and similarities between an ICO and an IDO?

The major difference is that marketplaces usually market their tokens using the websites of the organizer, or project developer whereas the similarity is their platform and both are meant for raising capital.

2. What is the best example of IDO?

An IDO is an initial decentralized exchange of, a cryptocurrency project list. It’s taken on a distributed exchange DEX, such as Uni, swap osmosis, or Jupiter, this token sale.

3. What is the initial Dex Offerings strategy?

IDO is a fundraising tool where a distributed Blockchain initiative that provides native coins to the public on a disparate basis. Unlike first coin offers or initial exchange offers, IDOs are carried out via distributed platforms, therefore providing a more community-centric fundraising method.

4. What is an ICO in Crypto?

The common approach to generating money for goods and services frequently connects to cryptocurrencies in initial coin offers. Though tokens are created in an ICO might also have value for software tools or products. 

5. Can Solulab assist with Initial Dex Offering secure transactions?

By using Blockchain technology, smart contracts, and guaranteed strong security mechanisms suited to the project’s needs. SoluLab can help with the initial dex offering transaction.

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