StayFit is a health and activity tracking mobile application that tracks various activities such as walking, running, biking, etc. StayFit helps users to set personal fitness goals and adhere to activities for accomplishing those goals within the set time period. It automatically identifies, detects user’s fitness activities and maintains the data in the form of a digital journal.

Business Overview
The Challenge

Our Approach
We used advanced Software Development Kits (SDKs) that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create a useful digital health kit that serialized information in structure and helps users access their health data for customized analysis. We created a reminder features that allows users to customize and create their own workout reminders such that StayFit servers as a personal trainer. Also, the app enables users to automatically upload user data to any authorized cloud in real-time. This helps users access their fitness data across multiple devices.
USP of our project:
About App
Results – a journey from ideas to success
Technologies we used

PHP Laravel



Client Testimonial
“When they sent the first wire-frame, it was crisp, very professional, and exceptionally well done.”