How Oil And Gas Mobile Apps Improve Productivity and Safety

How Oil And Gas Mobile Apps Improve Productivity and Safety

Table of Contents

Not a single industry can think of operating without digitalization and technologies. Let’s take an example of oil and gas industry. It’s huge. Lot many stakeholders are involved in a single transaction. And, the timeline to complete projects and meet deadlines is often a challenge. Here, technology and digitalization is the utmost crucial and basic thing. The projects in oil and gas industry requires efficient management to get accomplished in a stipiulated time.

Energy industry apps

Any delay in the process or stoppage can lead to huge financial losses for the industry. Different oil and gas companies such as Exxon mobil, Indian oil corporation Limited often made huge investments in tools and technology but still there are several issues such as lack of integrity, mobility etc which are observed. The industry still involves a lot of paperwork which also raise several complicated issues.

Various industries are taking advantage of these mobile app technologies for accomplishment of the workflow, streamlining of their work and to increase their productivity. Therefore, use of mobile apps will provide several distinct advantages and along with that it has come up as the basic necessity for the oil and gas industry as well.

Oil And Gas Mobile Apps To Improve Productivity And Safety



Collection of accurate data

As the industry uses a lot of paperwork, getting the accurate information out of it is a challenge and it is most likely that errors may occurs. These errors can affect the  process time and also create confusion for the employees. Hence, with the help of mobile apps the work can be done with ease as it will replace the paper based manual approach. And, the data obtained with the help of technology will be more accurate as compared to the data obtained from the paper-based method. Hence, overall this will be beneficial for the company.

Easy monitoring and reporting

The mobile applications which are sort to be used in the industry not only contribute to save the time, but it also ensures that the time spent by the workers and technicians is efficient as well for the company. With these mobile applications the workers can update real time information of several task and activities by their mobile devices. Along with this, the senior officials of the company can track the productivity of workers and technicians more efficiently with just few clicks from their mobile devices thereby providing easy determination of the work. In all,oil and gas mobile apps ensure the efficiency of entire workforce and field-force management involved in operations.

Fuel and Asset Management

Further, it delivers information about the remote monitoring, tracking of the fuel consumption, forecasting, alerts, reports etc so that the company can manage the fuel in a better way. The assets can also be managed with the help of the mobile applications with the help of scanning of the bar code attached to them.

Streamlining of the complex processes

The field-force management cannot afford to waste their precious time on manually providing or scheduling projects through paperwork or spreadsheets to the staff. Here, use of mobile apps will make their work easier as with the help of these apps, the workers can have access to the required information from anywhere and can store that information in their mobile devices as well. Thus, the operational processes will be streamlined with the apps help and thus will provide benefit to an industry where time is the most important factor for the success.

Safety of the employees

Safety is the most prominent issue for a worker of any industry and it is one of the important factors in oil and gas industry. These mobile applications empower the employees to work in safety and that too productive by installation of the new equipment’s and inspecting and maintaining the existing ones.

The mobility solution is easy to use and with the help of these before arrival of any major issue solutions can be made. It helps in building up a safe and simple environment for work and prevents accidents, danger to human life and are cost efficient. Also, it eliminates any sort of wrong data entry by the workers during the operation checklists and various safety checks.

Increased efficiency and quality

The operational efficiency is magnificently rocketed up with the help of these mobile apps as the manual based paper work is replaced here with the faster data entry processes.

With the help of these mobile applications the workers or the technicians need not have to wait for the end of the shift or to wait till they return from the office to update the task they performed, it can be instantly done with the help of these mobile apps. These mobile apps also help the management as it provides the management the information’s about the on-goings and the accomplished tasks of the field. The maintenance work is reduced by these mobile apps and it increases the usage of the available resources.

Mobile analytics and dashboards

The various oil and gas mobile applications provide proper analysis of the real-time factor which helps in effective and better decision making. The user gets information about the drilling operations, progress regarding drilling process, reports about the production, details about mud-weight,  etc.

Elimination of network connection problems

Well network connection is a major issue for online work, but these mobile apps are solution for that too, as they offer the capability with the help of which the employees are not dependent on network connection to access information and access it even if they are not in the network range.

The data gets synced automatically when they return to the network range. Thus, it will not lead to any delay in the processes and also the important information will be provided to the workers.

Safety procedures through geo-location

The mobile devices are enabled with GPS that helps in determining the location. It can play an important role and can be helpful in various situations. As in case of leakage any leakage it can help you find the nearest technician. Hence,the oil and gas industry can advance their safety procedures through geo-location and various fields of technology.

Wrapping up :

Although these mobile applications can change the entire landscape of the oil and gas industry as of now they are not as popular as they should be.

According to the CIO survey by oil and gas IQ,  it states that 55% of CIOs believe that these mobile applications will definitely be more efficient and useful for the industry yet only the 16% of these executives have employed a mobile strategy in their organization till date.

But, it is expected that after some span of time these mobile applications will take over the oil and gas industry and will be a revolutionary action in the field.

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