On-demand Doctor App: Features To Fill the Trust Gap

On-demand Doctor App: Features To Fill the Trust Gap

Table of Contents

Our lives revolve around on-demand apps. Be it a food craving or shopping urge, we count on our very own smartphones to surprise us with the new stuff in the markets through on-demand apps. The trend of getting globalized and connecting the world to everything by sitting at the comfort of your house is climbing hypes. With the skyrocketing number of apps getting built up every day for our different needs, it is crucial that we search for the services that are actually needed to be developed and focused on. One of the trending apps are doctor apps.

Health is the top priority for every human being, the industry has finally realized the importance of healthcare to be brought into existence through on-demand apps too. Healthcare industry is constantly working towards improving the existing functions and services, which will help them reach doorstep and through calls instantly.

Why Doctor App?

As it is the doctor that we need to reach in emergency cases and nearby pharmacies fail to treat the patients and give them proper medical advice, it is important to reach the doctor through any nearby source. What could be better than a home visit, or on call prescriptions? There is a need to reach the doctor through mobile apps for a feasible and flexible appointment and treatment.

To meet the needs of the patients or the users, it is important that we realize that some of the features are more than important to make the user’s reach the doctors on time, without any delay.

Another milestone to be achieved is to build the trust of the patients. It is the most crucial part of the business to make it thrive through any battle. A patient’s trust can be enhanced or depleted in a second. It is fragile and needed to be given a priority while treating the patients. It is important to understand the feelings, emotions, and attitudes of the patients to make their experience with the mHealth sector a better one.

Must-have Features for on-demand Doctor App That Fill The Trust Gap

Patient’s Panel:

Welcome Page

This is the page from where the journey of a patient to find the doctor, prescription or healthcare facilities will start.

Sign Up/Sign In

Patient/user has to make an account to keep all the records and find the feasible services at the doorstep or through calls.

Profile Settings

This will include records of the previous health documents and conditions for the proper view for the doctor to understand the patient’s problem thoroughly.

Appointment Page

A request can be made through this gateway for the appointments with the doctor according to their clinic opening and closing timings.


To find the most suitable doctors, some filters can be applied like nearest doctors, doctors with high ratings etc.

Chat/Call Option

In case it is not possible to visit the doctor, the patient can chat or call them for the prescriptions.

Video Call Option

Also in the cases where it is crucial for the doctor to see the patient and it is impossible to reach the doctor on time, there should be an option for the video call to the doctor.

Video Sessions

Healthcare video sessions can be given by some of the doctors to keep the patient’s health in control.

Medical Record Section

All the recent treatments/services taken by the doctor can be saved here with all the documentation.

Prescription Records

All the timely prescription can be saved under this one roof to keep the track of already given medicines and doses.

Medicine Tracker

Many medicines are only available on-demand and cannot be found easily. A section where these medicines could be tracked in the nearest pharmacy would be helpful for the users.

Payment Modes

Once the treatment with one of the doctor finishes or any prescription given by the doctor through the app, the user has to make payment to the doctor which could be in various ways like debit/credit cards or wallets, etc.

Check out Gateway

This page makes a user to exit/logout the account.

Review Section

Every time a service is taken by the doctor, a patient can review them for other users and patients.

Doctor’s Panel:

Welcome Page

This is the page where a doctor can decide that from where he has to begin i.e. either to make a profile or make the appointments or enter the recorded documents of the patients.


This is the page or panel where the doctor will enter all his information that could be qualifications, location age, gender etc.

Appointment page

This is the page where the doctors allow the appointments to the patients. This can also be the gateway where doctors can either accept or reject the appointment requested by the patient or user.

Video Call

If a doctor thinks that it is highly necessary to make a video call for the patient’s treatment, he/she can use this feature to reach the patient without actually visiting the house.

Online Prescription

Doctors can make online prescription to be sent to the patient for them to get the medicines bought from the pharmacies.

Patients List

This panel records a list patient that a doctor has treated lately or recently.

Patient’s Record

This page records all the details about the specific patients and the recent treatment or prescription given to them.

Payment Tracker

This gateway shows the status of the payment to be received by the doctor and sent by the patient/user.



On-time app development is important to keep the app trending and updated for the patients and doctors.

Management of the three panels/ features has to be maintained:

Patient’s Panel

It is important to maintain the patient’s panel according to the trends and new features to be updated after some intervals.

Doctor’s Panel

Not only the patients should have a good experience with the app, but doctors are also needed to be updated with every new feature as the app is trash without them.

Reports Panel

This panel keeps a record of all the discrepancies experienced by the users that are needed to be fixed.

Over To You! News, Updates And Healthcare Care Trends

With every human being getting health cautious, it is important that every doctor app should provide a gateway where all the information about upcoming trends in the healthcare industry can be included. Also, it can make people follow some people providing tips and tricks for healthy living.

If an app is developed by ignoring any one of the above features, there is a chance of the app leading to its failure. With the need for healthcare to reach our doorstep, we also look for the most comfortable option we are getting. Therefore, it makes the app to take into consideration all the possible moderation while developing an on-demand doctor app. If you think that you can add to the list of crucial features for the doctor app, we would love to know about them!

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