Building The App You Need
Native vs. Hybrid vs. Web
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When it comes to mobile apps, the question has always been should you develop a native app or a web app? And the answer has never been particularly clear. Both offer significant benefits. Both also offer drawbacks, as well.
However, there is another option that’s now become available – hybrid apps that combine some of the characteristics of native and web apps. Which is the right path forward for your business? The waters are pretty muddy here, and finding a clear path isn’t as simple as it might seem.

You need to make a detailed comparison of each option, and then determine what your priorities are. Within this book, we’ll take a look at all three app types, and help you come to the right conclusion for your specific needs.
Native apps are those we’re most familiar with. They’re developed to run on a particular OS or even a particular mobile device. For instance, apps on iTunes are developed to run on iOS, but some of them are optimized for the iPhone, while others are designed primarily for the iPad. Yet others work on both types of devices.