A 5-Step Guide To Successful Software Development Outsourcing

A 5-Step Guide To Successful Software Development Outsourcing

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A 5-Step Guide To Successful Software Development Outsourcing

Outsourcing is a well-used form of software development strategy with considerable flexibility and time-saving benefits associated with it. Startups and mid-budget companies find outsourcers suitable for numerous reasons; nowadays, big enterprises are also altering their working strategy focusing more on outsourcing activities.

As there are many beneficial factors with outsourcers, a few drawbacks remain there too. Transparency is a significant factor; off-shore development processes aren’t real-time transparent (dedicated development is an exception), so proper planning and strategizing becomes crucial.

With a proper outsourcing strategy, a company may get the advantage of putting out quality development in exchange for money spent. But, a poor outsourcing strategy can ruin project development efficiency.

Thus, all of these concerns boil down to one thing, that’s a step-by-step guide for outsourcing top software development companies in usa. This blog is composed around the developer’s outsourcing process and the necessary things to follow. Stay Tuned!

5 Guided Software Developer Outsourcing Steps

1.  Clarify Your Requirements

Numerous software development outsourcers are available out there; not everyone will align with a particular project. Similarly, an outsourcing company possesses every required talent, but a project might need only an aspect of development. Before outsourcing, a company must clear every requirement, so they’ll not face any future discrepancies.

Companies must clarify their development requirements before consulting any developer. Here are some of the aspects that need clarification –

Lead – Does the company have resources to lead the project, or is it for the outsourcer’s plate?

Choice – Why not build an in-house team for software development?

Core Challenges – What are the core challenges that software development will deal with?

Clarification is only achievable with brainstorming. With software development outsourcing-related concerns, a company should follow this requirement clarification process to gain long-term understanding.

2.  Tech-Stack

Technical stack is the summation of programming languages and other requirements for any development project. Software-developing programming languages like Python, Java, and C++ are suitable technical stacks for a project.

Read Also: Top 9 Software Development Methodologies For Your Business Requirements

Determining the technical stack is crucial, as it affects various aspects like cost, time, and availability. Similarly, technical stack determination is an important step for easing the developer’s job and increasing project development efficiency.

For example, if software X requires only three programming languages, the cost will be limited to those three languages. A detailed technical stack will help programmers understand the core requirement and develop aligned solutions for software X.

3.  Budget

An outsourced software development team and technical stack come with associated costs. Based on previous expertise and working prowess, development companies can charge from four to six-figure prices. As developers are human, negotiation is a tricky yet convincing tool to optimize and alter development price from the developer’s side.

The majority of technical stacks are provided by B2B companies, and any negotiation skill will not be effective for gathering resources for each stack.

Like the above-written facts, development quality is also dependent on budget. Humans are emotional, and tightening of budget can scribe demotivational things to a developer’s mind. So, budgeting a software development team aligning with all the requirements is complex, but it is a must for companies to gain the utmost excellence.

4.  Researching A Suitable Outsourcing Company

After determining the outsourcing model based on the pre-defined requirements and research, the company is now available to outreach to different software development companies for consultation. Outreaching processes are dependent on the company, whether they’re choosing on-shore, off-shore or nearshore outsourcing. Here are a few things to clarify during the outreach process.

Developer’s Experience – A service-providing software development team will definitely have years of experience; check out what their experience level is. The company website is the best place to look for experience details.

Case Study – Check how a company has developed software for similar or different industries with their case strides. Website and developer portfolios are popular places companies put their case studies.

Tech Stack – Different software development companies, provide different technical stack services, so aligning the company tech stack with the developer’s tech stake is crucial for a discrepancy-proof development process.

Online Reviews – Online reviewing platforms like Clutch are the best suitable options for gaining the market’s perspective about a company. Service-providing businesses make their account on Clutch, and clients independently share their opinions about services.

Looking for all these things in a portfolio is important, as these things will, after all, choose whether to consult a company or not.

5.  Consulting The Suitable Outsourcer

After choosing a suitable software development company, it’s time for an in-depth project consultation. A basic consultation begins with discussing their services, offers, and technical expertise. This is a reality check process, where a company should verify claims mentioned on the company website.

The second step is to project discussion. Planning a software development strategy discussing the requirements and time and budget discussion is usually done in this step.

If the conversation is still running, both parties sign a contract agreement, and the development process takes place.


Looking for suitable outsourcing is a complex process, but this 5-step guide is reliable enough for any company looking for software development outsourcing services. Of course, there’ll be more factors while applying for real. The outsourcing and consultation process will be different, not unfamiliar. Is there any other important process that needs to be in this guide? Let us know in the comment!

Author Bio

Akash Guha is a content writer with a grasp of different web content creation. He has an interest in writing website content for multiple industries like blockchain, mental health, and finance. Also, he is aimed to write simple and easy-to-understand content. 

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